A comprehensive and organic approach to movement with benefits including decompression of the spine, increased joint stability and mobility, and a supple yet deep internal strength.

Photo by: Brianne Bland

My Story

My GYROTONIC® journey paralleled my artistic shift from ballet to contemporary dance. The system was introduced to me simply as a form of cross training but it brought forth a connection between body and nature that ballet training alone hadn’t; GYROTONIC® offered me opportunities to recognize and confront habits, to breathe, to find presence in my body and freedom in my movement.

I studied with 4 master trainers from different movement backgrounds for my initial certification. In New York, I taught group classes and private lessons at Body Evolutions in the East Village. Additional trainings include the Psoas Principles specializations course and Level 2 Pre-training.

Coming Soon!

Thrilled to be teaching private GYROTONIC® sessions at Sunna beginning April, 2024